‘How do people get new ideas?’ is by taking a shower or walking the dog or doing the dishes. Insights occur most often when we’re alone, our minds are at rest and we’re not consciously thinking.
Yet the ‘cerebration session’ or brainstorm can be a valuable tool to share your ideas with others, to combine them and to produce a whole raft of new thoughts.
Writer and coach Richard Holman offers advice on how brainstorming can be done well, with some help from a classic essay by science fiction writer Isaac Asimov...
Get the personnel right
Mood matters
Don't begin with the brainstorm
Don't let the loudmouth win
Have a leader
Without quantity there'll be no quality
It's the most uncomfortable ideas that are often the most valuable
Read his full blog post below at https://www.richardholman.com/blog/2022/3/21/isaac-asimov-and-the-perfect-brainstorm